It all seems so simple – you want to get a fresh, new look for your home and you’re excited to bring in the professionals. But is that all you need to do? Choose the right painter for your project and the right paint color? Here are some tips in preparing your home to make that project a whole lot smoother of a process for you and your painting professional. 

Move Furniture and Floor Coverings

As a painting professional, we wish to cause the least amount of disruption to your home as possible. However, while working on a project, especially indoors, a little bit of prep work will be extremely helpful. Likely, preparing your project space will most certainly include moving furniture around or floor coverings. Though every professional does their best to use drop cloths or plastic sheets to shield your floors and floor coverings, there is a possibility that things may shift due to movement, weight of the paint, or even experience some seepage. To make sure that your possessions are well cared for, moving and covering your furniture away from the area(s) to be painted, as well as rolling up or moving your floor coverings is the best option. For homeowners who are unable to move their own furniture, they will want to have a discussion with their painting professional. They may charge a modest additional fee to help move the furniture away. 

Also consider vacuuming and cleaning as you move things around or out of the space. By doing this, dust particles and grime will be prevented from adhering to your freshly painted walls before the paint as had a chance to dry completely. Additionally, you can just return all of your belongings to the room once the paint job is complete, without having to spend any time cleaning up. 

Remove Electronics, Appliances, and Decorative Pieces

Along with moving the larger pieces, you’ll also want to consider removing any television sets, sound systems, game system, stove, or refrigerator. If you are not able to move them, consider covering them. This way they will be protected from any potential spray or splatter from the paint during the project. Additionally, it prevents from breakage and drops should the painter accidentally bump into a high-priced or irreplaceable object. 

Make sure you are giving yourself enough time to pack up these items so you don’t have to rush. Trying to finish jobs in a hurried manner can result in unexpected or unintended consequences. 

Another thing to consider is putting away dishes, pots and pans, anything inside of cabinets if you are painting cabinets in the bathroom or kitchen. Find a room or area that is not being painted to store them. The same goes for closets – – you will want to have them emptied out before the painting crew arrives. 


If you’re choosing to do the painting project yourself, make sure to follow the very first rule of interior painting prep – – always patch any holes before putting the final paint on the wall. Your final result will appear crisper and more professional if you patch these small holes. Another helpful preparation step is to use a primer. Be sure the primer has time to “cure” or dry before applying your next coat of paint.

Benefits of Preparing Your Home and Allowing Space for your Professional to Work

Whether it’s you or a professional completing the project, you will want to make sure that children, pets, and other people will stay away from the work area in order to allow a timely and excellent paint job which will allow you to return your home or your space as soon as possible. Have your painting professional come when no one is at home, if possible. Relocate pets to a different location, if you can, while you or your painter is working on your home or business. Multiple interruptions and having to wait for an area to be prepared will only result in a lengthy painting project. A smooth and quick finish is always ideal for both you and your painting professional. This way, you can put your space or home back together as soon as possible and enjoy your fresh new look! 

Need Help with a Project?

Elite Painting, LLC wants you to have a great experience while your home receives a beautiful, updated look. Preparing your home in advance allows you to have a smooth and timely result and the quickest way to allow you to enjoy your fresh space. If you’d like to have us come out for an estimate or a consultation, please contact us at 262-370-0627 or complete our Contact Us form. We’d love to help you freshen up your home!  

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